

In a desolate world ravaged by climate change, an exiled man returns to the walled nation of his birth to seek revenge against those who framed him for the murder of his wife twenty years before.

Pages: 115
Genre(s): Sci-Fi, Action & Adventure

“There’s a budding blockbuster here that seeks to make a statement about the value we place on human life measured by the blind ledger of usefulness to the greater whole.”Black List Evaluator

Queen’s Gambit



When a series of murders show close similarities to a collection of random killings from the 1980s, a troubled detective must pick up her father’s old case files to try to find a link with the modern-day murders before the killer strikes again.

Pages: 120
Genre(s): Drama, Mystery & Suspense, Detective Film

“QUEEN’S GAMBIT is an excellent script with some great roles and a thoroughly gripping story.”Black List Evaluator




In a reality where magic is treated like intellectual property, the heir to the world’s largest magical IP corporation must steal back his estranged mentor’s final spell to solve the mystery of who framed him for his mentor’s murder.

Pages: 114
Genre(s): Fantasy, Action & Adventure

I haven’t read a script in this sub-genre that is so refreshingly original in its approach… I must say that you captured the surreal within the real and the real within the surreal.WeScreenplay Reader




A teenager and her grieving mother try to solve the mystery of her little sister’s abduction after the five-year-old suddenly returns home months after disappearing in the woods.

Pages: 114
Genre(s): Horror, Paranormal, Sci-Fi

The Cult Leader’s Handbook



A perpetual screw up finds an instructional handbook at the estate sale of an ex-cult leader and decides to use it to start a cult of his own.

Pages: 40
Genre(s): Comedy

The Fourth Reich



An African American physicist discovers an underground Nazi base in Antarctica and must try to survive as the repressive regime struggles to quell the rise of a revolution.

Pages: 65
Genre(s): Sci-Fi, Drama




A young man discovers he can reunite with his dead fiancée by recreating the accident that took her life and nearly ended his own.

Pages: 27
Genre(s): Horror